Our Ministries
Worship. It’s what a church does. Not the only thing, of course, but the primary thing. Giving praise and thanks to God is the primary reason our church is here, and it’s the inspiration for everything else we do. In word and music; prayer and preaching, we are inspired, challenged, comforted, and encouraged.
We all know it can be a tough world, and sometimes you're just looking for a place to belong, for a community to support you along the way, for people who will value you for who you are, no matter who you are. That's the way we welcome people here at church!
There's a sign you see when you leave our Sanctuary that reads, "Service Entrance." It's there to remind us that being faithful happens inside and outside the church building. Our Outreach ministry supports organizations here and abroad. We help to support counseling services, support for women and children in crisis, and development efforts all over the world.
Kids and families are important to us at FCC Kent! We have Sunday School where our kids are introduced to God and the Bible. We also offer Confirmation where our youth are encouraged to take the faith as their own. And we also offer opportunities for families to get together for fellowship.
We all have big questions: Where did I come from? Where am I going? What should I do while I'm here? Does my life have a purpose? Am I alone in the world, or is there something more? Our teaching ministry is here to help people figure out their answers to life big questions.
Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself," and that means that we accept everybody, no matter who they are. And that means we'll accept you, no matter who you are. And we really mean that, so try us and see for yourself!